Effective Interactions

"If you don't get the people part right, nothing else matters."


Dr. Jeannie Kahwajy

Effective Interactions

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Effective Interactions commercializes the innovative communications and interaction theories of Dr. Jeannie Kahwajy. In the future, we hope to offer a more thorough on-line introduction to these theories, but that is presently beyond the scope of this website. We apologize for any inconvenience and invite interested clients to email us at info@effectiveinteractions.com.

The general basis of interaction theory rests upon the notion that all interactions between or among people operate over several different communication channels simultaneously. Most executives (and people generally) operate in what Dr. Kahwajy called "channel one." Effective Interactions seminars and executive coaching engagements are designed to introduce participants to "channel two" communications. Channel two communication can augment or supplant channel one communication, conferring considerable benefits on those involved in the interaction.

Interestingly, it is possible for a single participant in an interaction to adopt channel two behavior and successfully alter the communication dynamic, even when interacting with someone stuck in channel one mode. This permits applicability of these techniques far beyond the traditional approaches which pre-suppose an alteration of behavior by both parties.


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